Friday, December 30, 2011

German pancakes and blueberry syrup

This is the last of the pancake posts.  Honestly, we don't do this one very often because they don't fill us up as much as the other one's that we've posted.  This is a meal that I often make for breakfast if I've run out of cereal.  Speaking of cereal, my Kroger store had kellog's cereals on sale for 50% off.  By combining that sale with coupons, I was able to get several boxes of cereal for just a dollar.  So we're pretty set in the breakfast department right now.  But, nonetheless, here is the german pancake recipe:

6 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 Tablesppons butter or margerine

In a bowl, combine eggs, mikl, flour and salt; beat until fluffy and smooth.  But 2 T. butter in each of two pie pans; melt as oven preheats.  Pour half  of batter in each pan.  Bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes.  Pancakes will puff up (which the kids think is pretty cool).  These can be eaten with syrup, warm jam, or warm fruit.  The fruit obviously makes it more filling.

 I am planning to grow my own blueberry bushes next year so I can have a good supply of fruit to make my own fruit syrup.  Have you ever done that before?  Just put some berries, a little corn starch and some water in a small pot and boil it.  The berries will release their sugary juices and combine with the corn starch to thicken up and make a really yummy syrup.  You can do it with any kind of berry.  Ask around, there may be someone in your neighborhood who has an abundant supply of fruit on their bushes.  They may be willing to just give it to you or sell it to you for really cheap.  A lady that lives about an hour away from us used to have her children cultivate blueberries and sell them in order to earn the money the things they wanted.  Now that they are all grown, she sells them to people in the area for like, $3 a quart.  Super cheap for blueberries!  The neighbor who told me about the blueberry lady would buy about $50 worth and freeze them so she would always have them on hand. 

1 comment:

  1. This can also be cooked in a standard size cookie sheet or 9x13 pan.
