Saturday, December 3, 2011

Breakfast, lunch and snacks

We qualify for the reduced lunch program.  THANKFULLY...our school system has adopted the Michelle Obama program for healthy food in the schools.  Our children often ask for us to pack them a lunch, but we never do.  This keeps lunch costs down considerably for us.  We simply explain to them that the school can provide them with a lot more healthy food than we could if we send them a bagged lunch.  When I have visited the school, I have been happy to see that they are serving many whole grains and fruits and vegetables.  My picky eater has become less picky and is more willing to try foods that he normally wouldn't. 

One way that we save on gas is to have our children ride the bus to school.  Because the bus comes so early, it's easier to have them eat breakfast at school.  They get a much more nutritious meal than the cereal that we would provide them with.  Read what they are having on Monday:

breakfast - fruit juice, pancakes with blueberries, cereal and milk
lunch - philly beef and cheese sub, roasted peppers/onions, chilled applesauce, baked chips, milk.

My kids probably won't eat the roasted peppers and onions, but maybe they will someday.  The important thing is that they see the food and are given the option to try it.  I can not afford to offer foods to my children that will end up being thrown away, but the school can do that.   

Lunch is at 11:20, so the kids are usually quite hungry by the time they get home at 4:00.  I try to feed my kids snacks that are full of fiber that will keep them full longer.  They're pretty happy with apples and other fresh fruits.  My five year old also really likes yogurt and carrot sticks.  Often I will bake homemade muffins.  Nothing fancy, but this really keeps food costs down.  While prepackaged foods are convenient, they end up costing more in the long run than fruits and vegetables because they don't keep you full quite as long and you end up eating something else 20 minutes later.  Fruits and vegetables may cost a little more initially, but when you consider that they will keep you and your children healthier and that you won't be spending as much on medical care, they're not something that you want to skimp on.  I have found that bananas are probably the most cost efficient fruit.

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