Friday, February 17, 2012

Frozen bread dough

I don't typically like prepackaged food.  It seems so silly to pay more for something that you can just make yourself (and doesn't have as many preservatives).  BUT, considering that I'm nine months pregnant, I make some exceptions.  You can buy frozen bread dough in the freezer section (obviously).  They are whole loaves of bread dough.  I bought some for about $4.50 and it came with 5 loaves of bread.  You just lay it out for a couple of hours and let it rise, and then you have "fresh" dough to work with.  Here are two ideas about what to do with it:

1.  SCONES:  break off chunks of dough, flatten it with your hands, and fry it in hot oil.
            Once you have your scones made, you can do a couple of things with them.  My mom used to make Navajo tacos, which is just taco toppings on top of a scone.  You could also just slather them with honey butter and forget about the lack of real nutrients and the majorly high caloric and fat content.

2.  PIZZA ROLL:  Once the dough has risen, flatten out the entire roll, fill with pizza sauce and toppings, roll it up jelly roll style, brush it with water and sprinkle with salt, then bake at 350 for 25 minutes.  Yummy, fast and easy!

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