Monday, January 30, 2012

Mom's best naturals

Have you tried mom's best cereals?  If not, today just might be your day.  They're on sale right now at Kroger (Smith's) for $1.50.  Then, if you get ten participating items, you get an additional $5 off, which would make it $1.00.  And THEN, the mom's best website has a coupon for $1.00 off two, which would make your final price just fifty cents.  Click here for the website if you're interested.  If you're skeptical about trying organic cereals, you're not going to be losing a lot of money if you hate it.  But I don't think you will hate it. They have versions of several popular cereals.  We've had two and have been really pleased.  What I like about them is that they are sweet, but not OVERLY sweet.  I can tell that there isn't as much sugar, but it still tastes good.  In fact, their sweetened wheat-fulls have just three ingredients:  whole-grain wheat, evaporated-milled sugar, and gelatin.  It has 44 grams of whole grain and 6 grams of fiber.  Seriously?!?  I love eating it and giving it to my children because I feel like I'm doing something good for them.  And at only 50 cents...I'm doing something for my wallet. 

You're not going to find them in the cereal aisle, they're in the organic foods aisle.  So print off your coupon and enjoy!

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